No family without shelter
In the last few months, extreme weather has left thousands of families without a single scrap of shelter.
From devastating hurricanes in the Caribbean to the Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh, families have been forced into a life and death struggle against the elements.
When natural disasters and conflicts rob people of their homes, we can’t wave a magic wand to replace what was lost, but we can help create something new. We can provide people with the tools to start the process of their own recovery.
This winter, your support can provide shelter that protects families from the bitter cold. Shelter is more than just a roof – it’s a home. It creates a space where families can have privacy from the rest of the world, where they can feel safety and security in being together.
Your support is amazing. Your support turns simple items like tents and tarpaulin into the tools that transform lives.
A Single donation of$75
Could provide tools, ropes and heavy-duty tarpaulins to repair existing structures
Providing items that save lives and rebuild homes
When disasters destroy homes, shelter is essential. Your donation will provide the tools and materials to create quality shelters, and rebuild lives.
We use your support to choose exactly the right aid for each community after disaster strikes.
‘Life is now possible’

Ahmed and his family live in an emergency camp inside Syria.
33-year-old Ahmed looks after his wife and two children – one of them has a disability. They are also expecting another child. ‘It was very bad when we arrived here,’ said Ahmed. ‘We had no place to stay and we suffered for a whole month moving from under the trees in the day to the riverside at night.’
When they received the gift of a ShelterBox, which included a tent and essential aid items, they were able to start living again. ‘With the tent and the materials we received, everything became comfortable – sleep, daily life and cooking. Life is now possible.’