A ShelterBox Champion is a Rotary Club that understands the need for ShelterBox to keep our warehouses stocked so that we can respond to disaster at a moment’s notice.
If we wait until disaster strikes to raise funds, purchase aid and ship it, people will be without shelter for months. So by receiving donations all throughout the Rotary year, we are able to purchase and pre-position aid. This means that people who have lost their home or have had it significantly damaged will get emergency shelter quickly.
You can become a ShelterBox Champion in three ways:
- Donate at least $5,000 during the Rotary year and become a Gold Champion
- Donate at least $3,000 and become a Silver Champion
- Donate at least $1,500 and become a Bronze Champion.
Funds must come from the club or the club’s trust account. If you collect individual donations from club members, please run them through your club so that we’re sure your club get the appropriate credit.
To thank you and recognize your support, ShelterBox New Zealand will provide you with:
- A printed certificate
- A digital certificate to share on social media
- A press release so you can announce your good work to the community
- A listing on our ShelterBox website
Help us make sure that no one goes without shelter after disaster
Donate here
Bronze Champions
The Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains
The Rotary Club. of Balclutha
The Rotary Club of Bay of Islands
The Rotary Club of Dargaville
The Rotary Club of Devonport
The Rotary Club of Dunedin Central
The Rotary Club of East Coast Bays
The Rotary Club of Gore
The Rotary Club of Invercargill Sunrise
The Rotary Club of Kerikeri
The Rotary Club of Howick
The Rotary Club of Hastings Karamu
The Rotary Club of Havelock North
The Rotary Club of Matamata
The Interact Club of Matamata College
The Rotary Club of Mount Victoria
The Rotary Club of Nelson
The Rotary Club of Nelson West
The Rotary Club of Otumoetai
The Rotary Club of Paeroa
The Rotary Club of Putaruru
The Rotary Club of Rangiora
The Rotary Club of Rotorua North
The Rotary Club of South Wairarapa
The Rotary Club of Taradale
The Rotary Club of Taumarunui
The Rotary Club of Tauranga
The Rotary Club of Wanaka
The Rotary Club of Whakatane
The Rotary Club of Whakatū
The Rotary Club of Whangarei South
The Rotary Club of Winton
Silver Champions
The Rotary Club of Alexandra
The Rotary Club of Belfast Kaiapoi
The Rotary Club of Cambridge
The Rotary Club of Cromwell
The Rotary Club of Mosgiel
The Rotary Club of Queenstown
The Rotary Club of Tauranga Sunrise
The Rotary Club of Timaru North
The Rotary Club of Waikato Sunrise
The Rotary Club of Waimate
Gold Champions
The Rotary Club of Rototuna
The Rotary Club of Rutherford