What is OffTheGrid?

When disasters strike and power lines go down, families are left vulnerable, wrenched away from comfort, light and electricity.
OffTheGrid challenges you to camp out and switch off all electricity to understand what it is like for people after a disaster or to be a refugee escaping conflict. Those who have no home, no shelter, no comforts and no access to electricity.
Grab your family, your friends, your classmates or your colleagues. You can set up camp in your lounge, your back garden or in a designated camping area near you, it’s up to you. Go 24hours off the grid and get everyone you know to sponsor you to do it.
Schools and clubs can take our 0.5 version and spend a day experiencing life without power or even shelter. Learning at school or partaking in activities with your Guides, Cadets or Scouts group without lights, heating, computers, cell phones or anything with an ‘on’ button. This could be run over the weekend, through the school day or into the evening with an entire school or club.
The money you raise by taking the OffTheGrid challenge will make a real difference in families recovering from disaster or conflict. Tents, ShelterKits, cooking equipment, solar lights, hammers, rope and water purification units are just some of the things you can help provide to families who need it most.
You are never powerless to help, will you take the challenge?

Have fun & support families to rebuild their lives after disaster strikes.
From family-sized emergency shelter tents and ShelterKits that contain the tools needed to rebuild homes, along with solar-powered lights, blankets and water purification equipment, the donations you get from doing the OffTheGrid Challenge, will provide support for families in crisis. These are the items that not only help families to feel safe and secure, but to start the process of rebuilding their lives.
It’s not all hard work though — OffTheGrid gives you the perfect opportunity to switch off and spend quality time with friends and family and away from screens.
Pick a date in May, pen it into your calendar now. Sign up now for OffTheGrid2025
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