When conflict and natural disasters destroy communities, they don’t just leave families without a place to call home; they separate people from the things that make a life.
For children, this often means that they are far from their schools, forcing them to freeze their education.
Every day a child misses school, their chance of a good job and a future free of poverty becomes smaller and smaller. In situations that are often volatile, children have nowhere safe to go each day, and their opportunity to make friends dwindle.
This is why we also provide SchoolBoxes, along with ShelterBoxes and ShelterKits. Each box has enough materials for 50 children, along with all the equipment a teacher needs.
When children lose everything, a SchoolBox can bring back education, restoring their future.
What's Inside?
Our ingenious SchoolBoxes contain all the items needed to run a school almost anywhere. They include:
- Blackboard paint can be painted on any surface to set up a classroom almost anywhere
- 1,000 pieces of chalk can keep a school running for months
- Yellow school bags are made from strong waterproof bags to carry school materials – children love having a bag of their own!
- A solar/wind up radio enables classes to tune into lessons taught on the radio
- Colouring books and pens provide children with a fun way of expressing themselves
Send a child like faith back to school
When a nearby dam failed and flooded Faith’s village in Zimbabwe, she and her family moved to a temporary shelter in Chingwizi.
They were safe and warm, but Faith was now miles away from her school. Without a school, there was no way for her to continue her education.
Our ShelterBox response team returned to Chingwizi because they heard that a group of dedicated teachers were doing all they could to give lessons to the local children.
They set up in a large, open-sided tent covered in thick red dust. They had no chairs, tables or books and were down to their last piece of chalk.
The teachers were dedicated, but they were also desperate.
We knew we could help. When our team returned to the school to deliver our SchoolBoxes, word had got out and the whole village was there to greet us. It was an incredible sight. 600 children sat in a huge semicircle, along with the entire village.
Prayers were said and speeches were made. When the first SchoolBox was opened, the teachers were just as excited as the children. The bright yellow bags immediately captured the gaze of every child. They couldn’t wait to have one of their own.
Everyone knew that a school meant a future for their children
When it was Faith’s turn to receive her yellow school bag, she looked fit to burst with delight. Faith treated her bag like it was a treasure. After all her possessions had been washed away in the floods, this was the first thing she’d been given that was all hers.
We provided the village with enough SchoolBoxes for all 600 children in the village. As each child walked home that day with a bright yellow bag on their back, we knew they had their future back.
We urgently need your help to send more SchoolBoxes to children who have lost their future to disaster and conflict. Please donate today to help send more children like Faith back to School.
Faith wouldn’t be parted with her yellow school bag – she wouldn’t take it off, even when it was time for bed!